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13 itens encontrados para "som"

  • Interviews | joanaburd

    In my perspective, for my work to achieve its desired effect, it cannot be something aggravating. Certain elements simply won't work in some spaces, while others might. But I also use a kind of sonic signature that might be overwhelming for some, simply because it might be something they've never experienced before. Some even mention a kind of sensual arousal, but mostly it's just an overwhelming rush of emotions.

  • CV Joana Burd

    do Complexo Palacete Pedro Osório, em Bagé, BR. 2022 - Instalação "Tactame" Coletivo DelMig: Blanca Somoza International Symp osium of Electronic Arts, Forum de les images, Paris, FR. 2022 - Sensory Ethnography “Some Projetos colaborativos 2022 - "Tactame" Instalação - Coletivo DelMig: Blanca Somoza, Helena Gali, Ignasi

  • Tactame | Coletivo del Mig | joanaburd

    Ilhas Tagarelas Outros objetos e experimentos Outros vídeos Tactame, 2021-2022 Coletivo DEL MIG: Blanca Somoza Em diferentes cenas observamos uma multiplicação de sombras, que por vezes podem criam um momento de

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